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Word Count
Asteroids In our solar system today there are over 30 000 asteroids flying around in all directions colliding with other asteroids and planets not caring about the destr
Apace research The urge to explore and search the unknown is part of human nature and has led to many of the most important changes in our standard of living.
Astrology Have you ever wondered what the signs of the Zodiac means? When we turn on the TV it seems we always see an advertisement on horoscope predictions. People call
A Galaxy A Galaxy: Characteristics, Contents and Types
Galaxies are huge and contain billions of stars. They contain all of the stars of the Herzspring-Russell diag
Apollo 11 The Apollo 11 mission is accomplished. The Eagle has landed safely on the moon. This is a big day for all mankind. The Apollo 11 team com-pleted
Against UFOs Throughout the past, the existence of unidentified flying objects and aliens has been disputed over and over. Many different pl
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