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Word Count
Honduras Located in middle Central America, Honduras is a tropical country named after the depth of the water along the northern border of the C
Howard Phillips The Constitution Party Howard Phillips is classified as a family man. He is married to Peggy
Phillips and has six children ranging in age from 13 to 34
HIstory of Corrections Department of Corrections is an agency of the state that is responsible for the
supervision and management of convicted felons. The Department of Correcti
How Julius Caesar Changed Rome Gaius Julius Caesar helped establish the vast Roman Empire. Caesar's triumph in a civil war in the 40s BC made him the absolute ruler of Rome. Cae
How a bill becomes a law A delegate or senator has an idea for a bill, usually from a constituent.
He or she presents the idea to the Division of Legislative Services and reques
Humanity and the Death penalty One of the more controversial issues these days is the death penalty, and it does come up more than
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